Are you kidding me???

This movie actually made it past 5.0?? Its so pathetic its not even funny... a bunch of tarantulas are killing everyone, cover a town in webs?? Can the even spin webs??



Do we really think that none of the actors got bit?

When you take a dozen tarantulas, put them on an actor, and have him swing around as though he was being bit, what will the spiders do? Just hang on?

What about at the end when the spider is on Shatner's cheek and it looks like it's sucking his cheek...? I've got to imagine that a tarantula bite to the face is going to hurt like heck!! So how would they manage to pull that scene off with no harm coming to Shatner?

I realize that a tarantula has to be VERY agitated to finally bite, but under these filming curcumstances I imagine there were quite a few irked tarantulas.


and when Shatner was at the vent in the hotel, where he just sprayed them with the fire extinquter im sure they where real bites.



Hi,one can never be too rich or have too many friends. I imagine the spiders were supposed to be mutated or altered in some way to make them behave unlike their normal selves. It's not explained in the movie,kind of like The Birds,u never really know why they go on the attack.


Why find this movie laughable? It's a *beep* movie about spiders taking over a town. Once you know that, THAT is the time to not think too much. It's a very entertaining horror movie, and creepy as hell for those who hate spiders.
Jeez, some people...

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Obviously, it's not a realty-based film but if you grew up on these silly "mother nature runs amok" movies like I did then you can appreciate it them as entertainment. I don't sit up at night worrying about the day when the world will be overrun by killer tarantulas but I still found it to have a few creepy moments.
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How about a double feature DVD set featuring this movie and 'Night of the Lepus?' Both '70s low-budget "nature gone wild" flicks that look and play like TV movies, both based on an utterly ridiculous premise, both featuring former Star Trek actors in major roles, and both so bad they're great. It would be a cheese lover's dream. <G>


This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


It's bad, alright, but there are many worse.


Hi,one can never be too rich or have too many friends. Don't forget "Day of the Animals," that was another cheeseball movie for sure. Favorite scene,when one character gets up middle of night to make snack,he puts plate of roast beef on table and turns away,when he looks back it's covered in rats,ewwww.


In short, yes. They don't build webs like other spiders do, but they can produce threads.

Of course, they don't swarm or bite people to death, but it's a movie.


This movie is long overdue to be remade on a big budget.


God no remake of this please!!!!!!!!!!!!! they would put crappy CGI spiders and there would be no Shatner!!! I hate remakes...this movie is so miuch fun because it has real spiders,Shatner,70's music,clothes etc.
