This is the most unintentionally funny film i've ever seen The scenes that make me laugh the most are when one of the characters blows her hand off with a shotgun because a spiders crawling on it, the scene where Racks sister in law chases the spiders with a broom and to top them all off the scene with the cow attack lol
Haha, yes I found myself laughing. pretty much because of how silly it all is now when you look at it, and compare them to the movies of today.
there's a movie very similar to this, and I suspect was made in the 70s also. but this time its an invasion of birds! seagulls and scarecrows or something like that..I cant remember the name of it. You all seen it?
I could not BELIEVE it when that woman was shooting the spiders...and then one went on her hand- What to do?- Oh, I know: Shoot your hand! That'll show the lil bugger!
My daughter died laughing with the airplane guy (How did he not SEE them in the plane? Not like it was one or two: Had to have been twelve spiders in there!) Man, did he scream like a woman or what?? Why didnt he pick em up and throw em out??? I walked around the hosue immitating his scream all night last night.
Other things we noticed:
* They werent spiders...They were tarantulas. * The shots that were supposed to be from the spiders poiunt of view: Dont spiders see multiple images??? * We loved when the guy said "Oh yeah: Theres a HUGE spider hill outside. Saw it yesterday. Spent an hour looking at it" He spent AN HOUR looking at it????? And then failed to mention it to anybody???
Actually, tarantulas are not spiders. They are a separate group of Arachnid, the Megalomorphs. Their family name is called Theraphosidae, and they are sometimes also known as "Theraphisods". The Arachnids are all the arthropods with 8 legs...ticks, mites, scorpions, spiders, harvestmen (the so-called "daddy-long-legs", which are also NOT spiders), and tarantulas.
Specifically, the fangs of a tarantula strike down, pinning it's prey to the ground before it's pulled into the mouth & eaten. A spider's fangs go sideways, like a pair of ice tongs, and they suck all the fluids from their prey, leaving a dry husk, but do not actually "eat" in the conventional sense. Tarantulas actually have a mouth & are able to "eat". Also, concerning the breathing apparatus of spiders...the book lungs...spiders have 2 book lungs, located on the bottom of the abdomen. Tarantualas have 4 book lungs.
There are other differences but you get the idea. Not all 8-legged spider-like critters are actually "spiders".
Incidently, the name "tarantula" is a misnomer. These large, hairy arachnids should more properly be referred to as "megalomorphs". There is actually a "true" spider from Europe, a type of Wolf Spider, called the Tarantula. It's very hairy & large, and over the course of time, the name "tarantuala" has been given to any large, hairy, spider-like critter (like the megalomorphs).
More than any of you wanted to know about spiders, or megalomorphs, or "tarantulas", I know! :-)
Yes, I'm aware that there are some who don't consider the Mygalomorphae or the Mesothelae to be "true spiders", but to tell you the truth, I think they're trying to put too fine a point on it. It's like saying that boas and pythons aren't "true snakes" because they retain certain primitive features. (actually, some do say exactly that) If the splitters have their way, every single species on the planet will eventually have its own private little clade. :-)
I actually convinced my mom to by the vhs of this movie,yes vhs this was waaaaay before dvd's yeah i know i'm telling my age but i was like six when i asked her to buy it but i'm almost 20 now, and me and my brother crack up when we see this movie.
I actually liked this film very much so. It wasn't funny or cheesy to me whatsoever. It was a serious, straightforward horror film with interesting characters and a fascinating story. The horror movies of today could learn a lesson or two from this one and I wish there were more like it.