MovieChat Forums > Kingdom of the Spiders Discussion > 25 (+) Things I learned from watching “T...

25 (+) Things I learned from watching “The Kingdom of the Spiders”

25 (+) Things I learned from watching “The Kingdom of the Spiders:”

1) If you get a pesky spider/tarantula/etc. crawling on one of your appendages and you have your handgun conveniently nearby, simply shoot off the offending bast*rd AT POINT-BLANK RANGE, vital veins and/or arteries be damned.

2) If the stairs that you need to navigate in order to save your niece from some big-a$$ed bugs are littered with HUNDREDS MORE spiders, run down said stairs in a hilariously effeminate hop-scotch fashion. You will look twice the hero, and your deft movements will save you from the slipping that would occur if you stepped ON the spiders, spilling their juicy insides all over the place, adding insult to injury.

3) No one will raise objection, even, apparently, a spider scientist, when you claim to have watched a spider hill (they must be part ant) with a thousand occupants FOR AN HOUR, without telling anyone, even after your prized calf and good ol’ Fido have ‘mysteriously’ died at their hands (er, legs…).

4) It is perfectly acceptable (perhaps even understandable) to spend what may be your precious few last hours on earth - with the peril of becoming spider fodder – to make a huge pot of scalding soup from scratch. Instead of boiling the bugs THEMSELVES.

5) While driving through town, where very large numbers of people have converged for a county fair or some such crap, a small-town sheriff can become extremely popular, and find himself with more ‘fans’ pounding on his car windows than the Beatles EVER had. (A clear case of spiders versus beetles.) If said sheriff blatantly ignores his duties to protect and serve, just a-plowing through it all in an effort to save only himself, he will be justly punished, and not even the best scuba gear on the market will be of any help to his lily-livered a$$.

6) Even The Shat-Man, The Shat-Meister, Shat-O-Rama is clued-in enough to realize that he and his few cronies, who have thus-far been able to stave off the nasty influx of tarantulas are now looking out the window to their certain doom (excuse me a minute, I gotta grab a tissue…). <sniff.>

7) Gentlemen take heed: Apparently, upon finding yourself in a plane that even the Wright Bros. would cast dubious eyes upon in their earliest days of aviation design, tarantulas who are not afraid of heights, but instead casually crawling all over you would cause you to scream (repeatedly) ABOUT 6 OCTAVES HIGHER than your normal speaking voice. Just so ya know.

Additions, anyone?


8. Entomologists didn't consult on this movie.
9. Shatner was apparently taking any part offered him in the '70s.
10. Dorsey Burnette is a kick ass singer/songwriter.
11. Hitting on chicks five feet away from your wife is kind of a dickish move.
12. Don't marry panicky old ladies who resemble "My Buddy" dolls.
13. The spectacle of county fair crowds freaking out with spiders biting them all over, cars running down helpless senior citizens and crashing into telephone poles, and children jumping from store windows to their death, has never been so unintentionally funny.


14. Never end your film with a giant paint-by-numbers of the town covered in spider webs.

"If intelligence equals power, you sir, are a weakling" Stubby-9


I would agree except I may change the word never to Always

Who replaced John Mclane with an out and out *beep*


15) If a girl rejects your numerous dinner invitations the next logical step is to force her off the road, abduct her and take her to dinner.

16) If you know thousands of spiders are descending on your town and have killed off many of your townsfolk, it's perfectly understandable to stay in a nearby lodge and DO NOTHING, when you could be be getting the heck out of there!

17) It's okay for mayors and on duty police officers to drink!

18) When pretty girls ask you where the bathroom is, always direct them to the mens room.

19) Talking pagers DID exist in 1977!



"1) If you get a pesky spider/tarantula/etc. crawling on one of your appendages and you have your handgun conveniently nearby, simply shoot off the offending bast*rd AT POINT-BLANK RANGE, vital veins and/or arteries be damned."

Totally ROFLing!

This is seriously the single STUPIDEST thing I have ever seen a film character do!


But also surely one of the funniest


take camp inside a cabin with descending spiders trapping you in said cabin with web-like material literally at any moment waiting to capsize with even hundreds more live tarantulas. sorry its been about 11 years since i saw this on Space Channel in Canada.


21) Tires are only worth $5!

22) It's okay to drive around with livestock, chickens, goats and whatever else in the back of your car. Because, really, who wants to leave these cuddly critters at home!?

23) When you are driving and find yourself swarmed by tarantulas it's perfectly okay to scream and throw your hands in the air and scream "OH NO" while your truck crashes, rather than stoping the truck and killing the spiders or even swatting them off of you. IT'S AMAZING HOW QUICKLY THOSE B@$&@%*$ CAN OVERPOWER A PERSON, YES!

24) No mayor wants a bunch of damn spiders roaming all over the country when there's going to be a country fair in 2 weeks!

25) If you find yourself sticking your hand in a tire and get a spider on it, throw that spider to the ground while shouting "GOD ALMIGHTY", then carefully spit a wad of tobacco on it while saying "TAKE 'KAT YOU UGLY SH!T!". That won't anger the spider at all.

26) Always have a motherlode of fire extinguishers, lumber, hammers and nails on hand.

27) If an army of huge spiders with are amassing on your property in large hills it's perfectly logical to stay on the property nevermind alerting the authorities. Why be concerned? Nevermind the fact that they have killed your dog, calf and your prized 1,500 lb bull!

28) Pretty girls shouldn't drink alone. So, it's perfectly normal to offer to buy pretty girls drinks when your wife is sitting right behind you.



29. Entymologist/scientist and People who invent chemical toliets are of the same career field.
30. Where wedge platform shoes when you are traveling to Arizona to a small country town.
31. Brush and pull your hair back and then go into the shower and get your hair wet.
32. It's perfectly okay to really hardcore flirt with your dead brother's wife and then take your new girl to widow's house to take her daughter on a picnic on a picnic
33. That motorhome cost 40,000 dollars!
34. When there are about 50 spiders on a bed cover, flip all the spiders off onto the floor where they can run under stuff instead of dealing with them on the bed.
35. After your prized calf dies for unknown reasons, let your dog out for the night.
36. Freakishly panic. It's not like the spiders are running and jumping like ninjas on you.
37. If you discover a massive spider hill with thousands of spiders that burrow in the ground,make sure you only burn one side of the hill and not check the surrounding areas.
38. Think nothing of a big spider hill and don't rush out to buy a pesticide or call an exterminator.
39. Don't check your truck for spiders if you lived on a farm with an infestation that killed your dog, calf, and bull.
40. If your a hot chick in fancy car and travelling to the country, assume a guy in nice country clothes is a gas station attendent and by very snobby to him.
41. If there are thousands of spiders, don't attempt to kill any in the process of going any where. Just jump them and avoid them on the walls or wipe them off a circut breaker.
42. A massive swarm of millions spiders have tactics of an elite military squad. They can plan a secret attack and surround an entire town of one street so brilliantly that no one can escape and gets everyone gets covered in spiders all at the same time.
