KFM DVD on the cheap racks?!

I'd treasured my VHS copy of the KFM for Years,but recently decided to at last get up to date and buy the DVD..Especially when I saw it at the (I thought)steal price of $5 in one of the closing Circuit City outlets...Until I got back to the UK and saw it on the Asda Cheapie racks for £1! Got one as a loaner copy :)

If Book was in Intelligence B4 finding God,does that mean He's a Shepherd Spy? (Thank You,Spike..)


Searched for ages for a copy, lo-and-behold in a Sainsbury's cheap rack, exactly where days prior I found South Park Season 8 for £5.99, there it was for a pound, smart buy indeed.

My fave film is Garden State, but don't hold that against me.
