Evan Kim

Does anyone know whatever became of Evan Kim, the unforgettable Mr Loo in A Fistful Of Yen? The last thing I saw him do was The Dead Pool and I haven't seen him since. Is he still alive or just retired from acting? I tried putting his name into Google and got all the usual bullsh*t commercial DVD sites up. Anyone?

"Now, once again. This time...wiv fee-wing!"
Evan Kim - "Kentucky Fried Movie"


I'm amazed that you did use this site to figure it out!!!! anyway it seems like he's still around... there is no death reported on his profile, the most resent thing is..... Dirty Harry: The Original (2001) (V) .... Himself, but that may of been old footage... he also has a few things in the mis 90's listed



I haven't seen Evan Kim in much of anything lately, but he did have a fairly major part as the news camera man in the "V" limited series with Marc Singer. I can't remember whether he was around for the series though.


If memory serves, I believe Evan Kim's cameraman character was killed during the original miniseries, and did not make it to the TV series.


"I can't so much as drink a damn glass of water around a midget or a piece of antique furniture."


Evan Kim is the man! An underrated man! I love the bit where says, "What the @#$%!" silently. This line was referenced in 'Blade'(1998). He's good at combining a milquetoast, comic persona with martial vigor. Back then, with the right material, Evan Kim could've been a martial-arts comic actor with his own identity(kind of like a Hollywood version of Jackie Chan[Sing Lung]). It didn't happen. 'A Fistful of Yen'(just for reference, Yen is Japanese currency. The Mainland Chinese use Yuan[Ren Min Bi for citizens, Wai Hui Juar for foreigners, and Taiwanese use Tai Bi; then again, 'Kentucky Fried Movie' is hardly PC]), in 'KFM', shows what Evan Kim could've been. Evan Kim, we salute you!

-"I am ahfwaid you underestimate me, Mr. Pennington. Youhr peouhple and maine have a different set of vahyoos!"
-A lab worker screams and leaps out a window.
-"A toy robot?"
-"Eat lead, sucker!"
-The toy robot shoots him to death.
-Mr. Loo: I just want to go home. Back to Kansas.


Evan Kim had a short but nifty career.
I'd really love to have see more of him. I keep watching MASH reruns hoping to spot him (virtually every Asian-descended actor in Hollywood in the 70s is in MASH somewhere!).
The high points to look for--
V (the original miniseries)
CAVEMAN-- he's the caveman who speaks English but agrees to use "Zug Zug" instead of "F*beep*k"
that Dirty Harry flick , even if Evan does get killed....


When I see Evan Kim in this movie he reminds me of Ken Burns...


Funny....the Korean Ken Burns, must be the Mo haircut. Can't find too many men north of 50 years old still rockin' the bangs.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?

