Really Boring
Don't waste any time on this dog! I cannot believe 30 people gave it a rating of 10!!
shareDon't waste any time on this dog! I cannot believe 30 people gave it a rating of 10!!
shareMeh, I didn't like it that much either. It dragged on more than it did anything else :/
While reading H.G. Wells' book is the best, and this film version, while not a masterpiece, is tons better than the later, 1996 Marlon Brando/Val Kilmer version.
What do you want? South Park cheekiness, Angelina Jolies' breasts and and Jerry Bruckheimer explosions in every film you watch?
Dear 80334080,
You... Have... No... Taste. Now hit the nearest exit and soak yourself up with the '96 movie, which you belong with on a deserted island.
I disagree. I thought this film was a sound and respectable adaptation of the classic H.G. Wells novel. Michael York and Burt Lancaster were both terrific in the lead roles. 8 out of 10 from me.
"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"