7 Deadly Sins

These are the girls.
Yes? No?

Imagine that.


Well, I can see that...

Mac - Gluttony
Gorgeous - Vanity/Pride
Kung Fu - Wrath

but then would not know whom to assign to Lust, Sloth, Greed, and Envy.

Interesting idea!


Mac - Gluttony - Obvious
Kung Fu - Wrath - Obvious
Gorgeous - Pride - Obvious
Fanta - Lust - Hot for Teacher
Sweet - Envy - Says to Kung Fu "you're so cool" in a rather longing voice

Which leaves Greed and Sloth....I can twist it to fit either way to fit either girl but I'd have watch it again to look out for specific dialogue to get it right....if it can be done at all.

Melody -
Prof -


I thought of the 7 deadly sins the first time i watched it, but just because there was 7 girls with themed names. I pretty much forgot about it soon after being blown away by the wackiness... until the part where the girl stares at Gorgeous and blinks each of her eyes, admiring Gorgeous from different perspectives. I definitely thought she represented Envy.


Melody might be a fit for Sloth. Sitting there, doing nothing but playing that piano...? She also had a very homely look. Seemed kinda slow and simple.

Prof could be Greed. Greed could also come in the form of wanting to possess lots of knowledge but be selective of how she shares it...?

My list of 1,000+ weird wild movies: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls053942167/
