Where can I buy a copy of "Una Giornata Particolare"?
I took a trip to Rome some time ago, visiting a friend who was working at the university of Rome. He stayed in an apartment in a building complex built by Mussolini during the 30'. The owner told us that the apartment was used for a film shoot in the 70'. The film was called "Una Giornata Particolare" directed by Ettore Scola. We were sitting in the kitchen having breakfast, and the owner told us one of the principal frames of the film was exactly where we were sitting. Sophia Loren was standing by the stove making food and Marcello Mastroianni was sitting by his kitchen table across the backyard in an apartment in the other building on the same floor.So as you can understand I want to see this picture ! Does anyone know if it's possible to buy it anywhere?
Please email me at [email protected]!