Good time capsule of the era.

What a great snap shot of 1976. (1977 release) Watching this brought back memories. The good life. A nice home in suburbia, a late model stationwagon, a Thunderbird and a swimming pool.

I had to laugh at Ed McMahons comments about the space program. Once we went to the moon, now nobody cares.

A depressed economy, crooked CEOs, greedy preachers and people living about their means. Wait a minute.... things haven't really changed have they? LOL.


Yes, it is a great time capsule from '76 (the year I graduated from high school).

Although I didn't see this movie until much, much later, it still takes me right back to '76 as though I actually saw it then.

Another reason why remakes suck in my book.



Well, generally I would agree, but I felt the 2005 movie was thoroughly entertaining.


I think the major differences were the cars became smaller and the debt became bigger. Oh and one more: The music became worse.

This is terrific satire about living beyond your means and the limits of the American dream -- back when people were actually living the dream.


It takes a good snapshot of the intolerance and racism that we were working through in the 1970's. Black bank robbers, a usurious Jewish moneylender, Dick's trans-phobic comments to the unemployment clerk (who himself talked with a lisp), and ne'er do well illegal immigrants who flee when INS comes.

I'm sure glad we've moved on from those days.
