MovieChat Forums > Freaky Friday (1977) Discussion > High school student ?????

High school student ?????

Who can't do laundry ?? This movie erks me in how Annabel as mom can't do a thing ..


Its all done for the comedy but still some moms just baby their children too long. Many moms especially back in those days didnt teach their boys much of anything because that stuff is "womans" work. You can see by the father's attitude he probably felt that way. Its almost like they had two sons. Annabelle was a stubborn tomboy who fought her mom on anytime her mom tried to change her, so even if she did try to teach her to do laundry she wouldn't do it.

My mom did my laundry, it just all went in one hamper. I started doing my own laundry in HS because I was tired of having to wash my PE clothes by hand every week. I overstuffed the washer sometimes by trying to wash all my jeans at once. I mean it was no that extent but the washer did move a little LOL. I did not over soap tho I used the measuring cup.


Well good for you "analisa99" on being in high school and having not too much trouble with the laundry ...I did notice that her brother said cooking was for sissy's..I new the deal with the soap was going to be just like the Brady Bunch ..


The mom was a stay at home mom there was no reason for her to teach Annabelle how to do the laundry at that point. She would probably just teach her before she got married or went to college!


Come on Annabelle would have been schooled in all of the way's of being a stay at home mom starting at birth. She had girl toys in her room...I bet she had a Easy Bake Oven.She definitely had a dollhouse.Tomboy or not.


I had a mother who didn't work outside of the home, and she certainly wasn't training me to be a wife! Times were different in the 70s. Kids were allowed to be kids for a lot longer than today, and they had much more free time. We were able to develop imaginations and be creative. But, even today a high school girl wouldn't be playing with an Easy Bake Oven.


LoriLestrange ...Sounds like you have a stay at home mom..


Most 13 year olds don't know how to do laundry. I still don't do my own laundry very often and I'm an adult! but ya I had no idea how to do it at 13 either.
Like the other posters said, there was no reason to teach Annabel how to do laundy or any of those things becasue she was a stay at home mom.

Besides, that was the whole point of the movie anyway, to live in each others shoes and find out what it's like. It wouldn't have been much of a movie if Annabel knew how do do everything would it?! Annabel thought it was so easy being a stay-at-home-mom and her mother thought it was so easy being a teenager. They both found out they were wrong.


Actually it is kind of weird. Back in those days most schools taught what is known as Home Economics as an elective. I remember taking it in 7th and 8th grade. The first year was sewing, laundry and learning to do stuff around your house like pay bills and balance a check book. The second year was all about cooking and food prep and grocery shopping economics. Maybe they didn't want her to know so that the story could have some comedic problems that would build a better plot.

Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where's your bleeding heart for them?


I took home ec in junior high too but it's not like they had a washing machine in the school to teach you how to wash clothes. Even if they did, maybe the school had a front loader instead of the top loader Annabel had at home.


Things have definately chnaged since those days. Mom mom was a stay at home mother who did the laundry, cooked and kept house while dad worked. Even though I was a boy, I was taught early how to do those things, but in the time period I grew up in 1978-1996, I didn't let anyone know I knew how to do those things because as the brother said in the film that was considered sissy/girly stuff. Now days a lot of husbands are the ones who take care of that stuff while the wife works.


Lots of high schoolers can't do laundry. Besides, she wasn't even in high school yet--she was 13.



Well, I learned how to do laundry in middle school but my husband didn't learn how to do it properly until we were living together! Some people learned early, others don't.


I don't think she was in high school. Back then, junior high (what is now middle school) would have been 7-9th grade. How many 10th graders do you know that are 13? Moreover, people learn how to do laundry at different times in their lives depending on their family structure/parenting styles. I didn't learn until my senior year of high school, and even then, I didn't start doing it regularly until I went off to college.
