Was there a sequel?????

Was there a sequel ever made for this movie?


Yes, Freaky Friday 2003. Not a bad remake.


Freaky Friday 2003 is not a remake


It was one of disneys low budget movies so the was no ''sequal'' but there was a remake. freaky friday 2003


There wasn't a sequel, but the final scene with the father and son wishing to be each other seemed to be setting one up. I doubt it would have worked though, because the mother and daughter would have understood what was going on.


Wasn't there a male version of this, starring Tom Hanks ? I'm sure I've seen on TV a remake of this, involving a dad and son swaping roles, (and no, I'm not getting it confused with Big!!)


I remember something like this - I don't think it was Tom Hanks, but I think it may have been on an episode of "Amazing Stories" - I think I remember in the last scene the dad and the son were both in their underwear because it was necessary to switch back (for some reason).


You are thinking of "Big" with Tom Hanks


Well, I remember http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096380/
Vice Versa, with Judge Reinhold as the dad and Fred Savage as the kid...
there was also http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093418/
Like father like son, with Dudley Moore as the dad and Kirk Cameron as the kid.
Same concept :)


Freaky Friday inspired its fair share of knock-offs. There was also one with George Burns swapping places with his grandson called 18 Again. The movie with Tom Hanks you're probably thinking of is Big. In that movie, a young boy, through some supernatural means, becomes an adult played by Tom Hanks. He looks like an adult but still has his pre-adolescent mentality. While not precisely the same formula it is still more or less derivative of Freaky Friday.


Freaky Friday did not start the ganra.

Vice Versa was a Peter Ustinove 1948 movie (later remade with Rienhold and Savage)


Freaky Friday inspired its fair share of knock-offs.

In fact Freaky Friday could have got the idea from Vice Versa (1948), and I'm not sure that it was original even then. I think the story goes back a lot further, as there was at least one earlier version.


You are thinking of the movie with Kirk Cameron and Dudley Moore. Like Father, Like Son.or something like that.


Yep, there is a father son one, with dudley moore and kirk cameron


I think you are talking about the Kirk Cameron/Dudley Moore film Like Father Like Son or the film with Fred Savage called Vice Versa.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"



Sort of. A movie was made of the book's sequel, "Summer Switch" (about the father and son of the same family, as the son goes off to Summer camp). It starred Robert Klein as the father. The son was Scott Schwartz, who was also in "The Toy", "A Christmas Story", and porn.

The book is great, I found the movie tepid.


I think "Summer Switch" was a TV Afterschool Special. A little-known movie called "A Billion For Boris" was made in 1984 with the same characters, where Ape Face fixes an old TV and everything it shows is from the day ahead.


I never saw Summer Switch, but A Billion for Boris was, indeed a sequel, and featured Boris, Ape Face, and Annabelle. Don't remember much about the movie, but the book was great - one of my childhood favorites.


One of my fave's too. The film was rather mediocre, which is a shame because the book was so good.


"Summer Switch" was an afterschool special.

Neither that nor "A Billion for Boris" were true sequels to the movie because they weren't produced by Disney, but they were based on sequels to the original Mary Rodgers book. I know I'm splitting hairs, though.

It's sort of the same way that "Return to Oz" really isn't a sequel to movie version of "Wizard of Oz", just based on the same books.


I have a vague memory of that movie, but I don't remember the name of it.



It was in the planning stages but it never got off the ground.


That's unfortunate. I would have loved to have seen a sequel with the guys. It would probably have to have "Saturday" in the title – maybe "Strange Saturday"? Nah, that's horrible.


The book sequel is called Summer Switch, and it takes place during the summer and it lasts for more then one day.


Thanks for the details. Is the switch between the father and son, and does it take place all summer?


yeah it's between father and son and I think it lasts a week or two and not all summer.


Great, thanks for the details.
