Questions about DVD issues

Yea, this is a bonafide classic from the HBO glory days. I used to watch this all the time back in the early 80's, possibly even the late 70's? I'll have to find out the exact date when it first aired on HBO. I really want to pick this up on DVD but I've heard some strange things about various DVD issues being incomplete....something about a Kermit the Frog intro being edited out and missing footage of The Riverbottom Nightmare Band. Does anybody know the lowdown on this? Has a full, uncut, unedited DVD issue ever been released, and if so, what label and year?


I have the DVD, and I am so upset that they took out certain things. The took out Mrs. Otter telling Mrs. Fox to fall off the dock. I can't remember the others right off hand, but when you grow up watching something every christmas, you miss the tiny little things that are taken out.

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


I got rid of my VHS copy of this and bought the DVD. The version they provide is not the one I grew up watching on HBO. Kermit's intro is gone and, for some reason, isn't even included in the deleted scenes. There are a couple of other small differences that you'll probably notice, but the Riverbottom Nightmare Band performance seemed the same as I remember. Overall, I wish I would have kept the VHS as it had what I consider the complete version.


Unfortunately I have noticed too on my DVD that a few things are missing, one being the Kermit the Frog introduction and a few parts from the movie were cut. Not sure why they did that. Still it is nice to be able to own this movie as it is not shown anymore for some reason.


