MovieChat Forums > The Duellists (1978) Discussion > Was the last duel realistic? (spoilers)

Was the last duel realistic? (spoilers)

Was there really an option in dulling back in the day to just chase each other through forest and shoot at one another on sight?


Back then duelling was an honorable thing to do between gentlemen to resolve a conflict.

Unlike popular believe, most duelling did not end in death. The drawing of blood was enough to end a conflict in victory.

Real duelling pistols were by nature not very accurate weapons.

However as time progressed and the weapons got better too,... more and more duels ended up in death. In some countries there was so much duelling going on, that a lot of cabale officers died. This is why in almost all countries at some point, duelling was made illegal.

You can note that in this movie too. As long as the country was in war, they were not allowed to duel.


Aright, but I'm asking about the realism of that one specific duel? Were the dualists actually allowed at some point in history to chase each-other around and shoot on sight? That kind of defeats the idea of a duel (two people facing each other and shooting) completely.


That kind of defeats the idea of a duel (two people facing each other and shooting) completely.

With respect, you're missing the point. The last duel was no longer about satisfaction, or honor, but killing. That's why D'Hubert requested it. And yes, a duel could take on any number of conditions as long as both parties agreed -- which Feraud did with a vengeance.

"I told you it was off." The Jackal
