Did This Freak You Out As A Kid?
You are NOT alone!http://www.kindertrauma.com/?p=170
shareGod yes. It was actually on prime time TV when I first saw it as a kid and may be the first film I remember having not just one, but several, scenes that stayed with me, especially Christie scorching her foot on the hot floor and that gold-plated fetus at the end.
I am in a blissful state, so don't bug me.
a kid? This movie freaks me out as a grown up!!
Yes, very much so.
I had a fear of technology for several years because of it.
Now I'm a bit more mature and I want to watch it again (forgot the title for years til someone who had also seen it told me what it was recently).
Mum shouldn't have let me watch late night tv movies when I was a kid...
Obadiah Obadiah, Jah Jah sent us here to catch vampire
The ending did, when I was really young. I don't think I watched the entire film, I just stumbled on it one day. And the "birth" scene happened.
The ending was a total set-up for a sequel ---- like The Omen.
The gold-plated fetus with all the goo. Uggghhhh! I'm getting shivers thinking about it now and I'm 33!
I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.
This was one of several movies my mother took me to as a very young child (it was the 70's, she was very young herself). I was about six at the time, and I didn't even remember what movie it was until earlier this year. I remembered the laser, the hot floor, and the girl at the front door getting zapped. I must not have seen the whole thing or I DEFINITELY would have remembered Proteus' geometric form. I wasn't traumatized, more like fascinated back then. But when I saw it again a few weeks ago on DVD, my god, that geometric shape creeped the hell out of me!
The mind boggles...