X Files episode

There's an X Files episode, whose name I forget, which seems to be a tribute to this. (Although without the pregnancy)

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


That was one of my favourites...... It was a building that had an AI running the whole show and looking after the building but it goes rogue killin people in lift shafts and such.

At the very end you see the dismantled computer in a pile of parts, and suddenly it comes to life again, just before the credits roll.


Definitely a homage, if not a rip off!

I forget the name of the episode though...

Yep, one of my favourites too.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


It was "Ghost in the Machine", Season 1, Episode 6.


Oh damn you, i want to watch Xfiles instead now.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
