MovieChat Forums > The Deep (1977) Discussion > MAD magazine spoof of 'The Deep'(1977)

MAD magazine spoof of 'The Deep'(1977)

There was an issue of MAD from the late 1970's with a 'Deep' spoof entitled 'The Dip'.

-What's a giant, old hulk doing underwater?
-What do you mean? There are many old, derelict ships...
-No, I am talking about Robert Shaw!

-To think, people thought Hollywood was racist for not having blacks in 'Star Wars'.
-Maybe they're right. All the bad guys in this movie are black!

-I've never seen this kind of marine life before!
-That's raw sewage, silly!

(The baddies in the film use chicken blood to write on Jackie Bisset's body)
-What do I look like?
-Sissy Spacek in 'Carrie'.
-She doesn't have half of what I got.
-That's right. She has to get by on talent.


Ah, the artistry of Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Al Jaffe, Don Martin, and the Usual Gang of Idiots.

MAD was such a sharp magazine in the 70s. That was a great parody!
