A question or two...
I have read the book and seen the film, and I must say that the book was so much better. I tried to enjoy the film to the best of my abilities, but I have a few questions.
Who's side was Treece really on, I ask because of the sccene when he tells Cloche he will deliver the drugs to him, and then they seem opposing. What was up with that?
Next, why did Gail and David stay, was it to cash in on the treasure? They never really said. Were they supposed to be likable characters?
What ever happened to the ampules? The characters all of a sudden acted like they never existed? What Happened?
Please help me understand what BEnchley was trying to do with this film adaptation? So much was re arranged and adapted so differently that I got lost in the transaction.
I am considering nothing less than WORLD DOMINATION!