MovieChat Forums > The Deep (1977) Discussion > was the fight scene cut?

was the fight scene cut?

I remember seeing " the Deep" when it was first released and I'm pretty sure the fight scene between Slake and Kevin was longer than the uk video and DVD version. In the video as Slake and Kevin struggle with each over a bench, you here a cracking sound like a neck being broken and then the scene cuts back to Treece's house. Later Treece finds Kevin strung up in the shed with his leg badly twisted round.I'm sure in the original release your saw how Slake killed Kevin. Can anyone add to this?


No, I don't believe anything was cut, I saw The Deep in the theater when it came out and vividly remember that scene; it plays out exactly how you described. Because of their position over the bench and the scene cutting, you can't immediately tell whose neck cracked which was probably what the director intended; when Treece comes along later we sadly find out that it was Kevin who lost the fight . . .


Man when I saw they were going to fight, it was so exciting..

I'd watch this again just for that scene!


How about the part where the boat motor blades almost rip his face off? Whoa! Talk about 'the rippe'r!


I bought this film based on how intense that scene was. So disappointing that Big Jake aka Kevin got killed.


Something WAS cut... When Treece goes and finds Kevin strung up, he takes him down covers him and then hugs him almost crying...
The hug was cut out...


Yeah, the scene where Treece hug Kevin's corpse was cut from the DVD, but it's on the VHS version, for some reason. There's another one little part cut from the DVD, you see a close up of Slake's face in the voodoo make up, right after Gail screams as he breaks into the hotel room.


Who the hell makes these decisions to just cut parts out of movies?!


