golden globes and jaq bissett
Just watched her last night and even though she was drunk or on ludes or something but who really cares, she looked fantastic at age 69! face lift or not,
this is about as good looking a woman at that age that one could possibly find or even imagine.
But I was wondering if anybody remembers this about the deep. I know it stirred a controversy about the wet t shirt thing, but what I remember is in an interview I read back in high school in like time magazine in 77, she was very, very pissed off not that everybody was concentrating on the wet t shirt scene in the movie, but that "still" photo's were being published of her in the wet t shirt. She said she didn't care that she appeared that way in the actual movie, where she was in motion so to say, but that she just hated it that still photo's were being published. She was implying that these were photo's taken on the set, that were not supposed to be put out, but that somebody leaked them to the press. today of course anything in any movie is out there in photo's no matter what but back then it was different.
Which at the time I thought was kinda strange. She was perfectly ok with legions of males leering at her in the movie, but just hated it that they were leering at her in a still image in some magazine. Remember this was back in the day when you could not rent a movie and put it on pause. You went to the theatre, watched the movie, and that was it. then like 2 years later they would put it on tv, probably with the offending nipples blurred out. even years later when everybody bought their first VCR, if you put it on pause, it was all blurry and zonked out anyway. So in that way I can see her point. go ahead film me topless if you want, but I don't want anybody publishing still photo's of my boobs for men to leer at.
just a bit of unimportant trivia