
When I saw this at the theater, the audience enjoyed it. They laughed and were upset most by the snakes getting the guy scene. It is not a bad film. It was good for what it was supposed to be: a scary flick. And Leslie Nelson was good as a villian.


Apparently it was released the same day as Star Wars. No wonder it only got a UK release as part of a double bill.

"The Car/ Day of the Animals" as I recall.

I rather miss those old double bills. They just don't do them anymore.

I remember:

"Ruby/ Satan's Slaves"

"Dirty Harry/ Bug" (a bit odd)

"Carrie/ Love and Death (Woody Allen)" (VERY odd!)

"Audrey Rose/ Burnt Offerings"

"Squirm/ Blood and Lace" (the box office lady refused me entry)
