MovieChat Forums > Damnation Alley (1977) Discussion > another memory of childhood

another memory of childhood

While I don't remember this when it was in the theatres I do have vivid memories of this on TV...yeah it wasn't the best movie in the world but it was all around the same time as the other Cold War nuclear movies in the 80's
(Testament and The Day After are two that pop into mind) which the chances of dying in a nuclear holocaust were still VERY real....

Anyway good, bad, middle of the road movies like this will always have a fond place in my memories growing up... I can't wait to get it on DVD


I watched it on tv years ago and had to leave the house before it ended - I think I saw them escape the roaches and get back in the vehicle.

What happens ???


is this the movie where the little roaches making hissing sounds and are flesh eatters? like crawling Piranha? lol and reduce one of the characters to a skeleton in minutes?
i think he was in a car garage when he bit it (looking for fuel maybe?)- if im thinking of the right movie...

if i have the right movie i remember seeing this as a kid
oh where is MST3K when you need them!


The good ole killer cock roaches. Looked more like roaming hoards of black garbage bags as they slithered across the ground. Tanner and the chic went driving around on a motor bike in Salt Lake City when they encountered the killer roaches and were evenutally rescued in a parking garage. The sight of that chics jean covered a$$ on the back of the bike was rather a nice sight.

"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


I was 9 at the time, and saw the poster at the theater. I begged my parents to take me to it, thinking it was "Dalmation" Alley. They patiently explained that it was "Damnation", but I insisted, as children are wont to do. Needless to say, I was able to go and enjoyed the heck out of it. I just recently 'tivo'd' it so I can watch over and over again :)

Now if "Looker" would come on TV...


I remember seeing the poster as my parents and I left the theater after watching "Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot". I also begged them to take me to see it, to no avail :(


I was about 11 years old when I saw this movie in the theatre and have not seen it since. I am looking forward to the release of the new DVD. I remember a part of the movie that involved I think roaches eating people down to bare bones. I'm sure when I see it now it will be nothing like I remember it.

"We're here to preserve democracy, not practice it."


I remember seeing this movies as a kid. And, like everybody else, the first thing that comes to mind is the killer cockroaches. I also seem to remember a giant scorpion and a really bad sandstorm/tornado.
The main reason this movie sticks in my mind is the vehicles they drove. I thought they were great when I was a kid. And they really stick in my memory because I remember my family visiting L.A. back in the early 80's and somebody had one in their parking lot in front of some small business. You could see it from the freeway. My dad pointed it out to my brother and me. At the time, we thought it pretty cool. It makes me wonder what happened to that thing.


