MovieChat Forums > Damnation Alley (1977) Discussion > What happened at the end (spoilers)

What happened at the end (spoilers)

I haven't seen this movie in years and I have a DVD of it being shipped to me. However, for the life of me can't remember what happened at the end? All I remember was some dude and kid ridding on a motorcyle? and everything was back to normal? Can someone explain to me the ending. thanks.

"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


You pretty much nailed the ending!


I sure did! I watched this movie for the first time in 22 years, I was in 6th grade last timie I watched the movie. It was amazing how when every scene would unfold I had an idea of what was going to happen. Amazing how back then the movie was "far out". Now..."ah ha ha ha ha ha ha". Still a great movie, and a must have in any movie collection! I just love how the leading female role is assigned the role of cooking meals while the vehicle blasts through the waste lands at 60mph...if you ask me...isn't using a hot stove at such high speeds kinda...dangerous? And where did they get all the water for all the HOT steamy showers?

"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


When the women is possibly the last female on earth,
trust me, the guys would find the water somewhere. (LOL)




i always thought that the Earth sort of self-corrected on it's axis or something and things returned to normal.


I dug this movie and remember it pretty well.

all through the movie the sky was always affected by the huge amount of atom bombs that knocked the earth of it's axis, also occasional earthquakes would occur as a result. it's in the movie. later in the movie a character remarks that the earth is trying to correct the balance or words to that effect. at the end a huge flood occurs, possibly as a result of an earthquake or other cataclysmic event and the landmaster swims to shore. when they open the hatch the sky is back to normal and i beleive a remark is made that the damage has been reversed by the earht returning to its normal axis. the last scene of JMV and the kid are off on their motorcycle "going to town for pizza and beer" and are greeted by normal townspeople running to welcome them (-camera zooms out, fades) as additional survivors of the war or to eat them alive, take your pick.

I'm completly out of ammo. That's never happened to me before.


I enjoyed the movie, in the catagory of "dumb fun" but the ending kind of irked me. OK, everything is back to normal for no reason, good bye.



Yanno, I don't think anyone on here is saying this was the best movie ever. By far it wasn't. But it was "dumb-fun". Exactly. I could sit and veg to this movie and escape some. And why it isn't on DVD is beyond me when there is utter crap on DVD these days.


Not only did the earth shift back to its old axis. Not only did this cause a huge flood. The flood carried them from Detroit to Albany, NY!

