MovieChat Forums > Damnation Alley (1977) Discussion > Landmaster Undergoing Restoration?

Landmaster Undergoing Restoration?

The Landmaster has been a fixture for years at Dean Jeffrie's place on Cahuenga, but it's been gone for about a year. I read somewhere that it is undergoing restoration, and my GUESS is, it will wind up in the Petersen Automotive Museum at some point.

Anyone have a confirmation on this?


Saw it at the San Francisco Hot Rods and Customs show today.

Looks to be in good shape, Ive never seen it before or the movie.

Got a photocopy of a the landmaster photo with Dean Jefferies autograph! pretty sweet


Anyone wanting to see a picture of the restored vehicle can go here:


Here's a good link


Damn... take that mofo into traffic, and people will get out of your way!


I talked to Dean Jeffeies in Oct 2004 who told me he had sold it, so somewhere some lucky person owns it and sounds to be showing it off at auto shows.


In light of today's gas prices, I wonder what kind of mileage it gets?


About .7ft/gal. I figure if my pickup with a 454 is getting 6 - 13 miles/gallon at about 1-2 tons, something like that weighing 10 tons and powered by a Ford 391 industrial engine, mileage is going to be pretty bad. You can bet that when the owner drives this he's got a fistful of credit cards!


Here's some video of the Landmaster being restored:
