MovieChat Forums > Damnation Alley (1977) Discussion > Fictional Tipton Air Force Base goof and...

Fictional Tipton Air Force Base goof and other goofs

Sure it's only a science fiction movie, but let's get real. The opening scene shows the front or main gate of Tipton AFB just right in front of the missile silo command complex. In reality the front or main gate would be miles away from the missile silos.

Giant insects. Yeah, I love Hollywood monster flicks as much as the next guy. But the zoologist scientists assure us that such large landborne insects are not possible. At that size such an insect would be immobilized on the ground by its own exoskeleton weight. It would not have the strength to lift or move itself. The largest 'insects' in the planet's history were actually anthropods that lived in the ocean hundreds of millions of years ago where the seawater gave the creatures buoyancy.

By the way, I commend the director not wasting too much time at the beginning and getting on fairly quick with the thermonuclear ICBM exchange. But it would have been more dramatic and helpful to add in overlying background of the world political situation, say, on newscreens, which would have helped set the mood and tone of the movie.


A backstory of the political situation (however brief) would have enhanced the movie, I agree. All you see onscreen is the sudden attack and dont know why. The characters dont talk about it later in the movie either, so you really have no clue what precipitated that event.
