Missing a short scene

I watched DAMNATION ALLEY on dvd and noted just a small missing scene. It's not critical, though.

After the nuclear missile exchange, the Air Force underground missile silo at Tipton AFB is inhabited by airmen whose jobs have essentially expired and have nothing else to do. The main control room is strangely dark, empty and quiet except for a few lighted control consoles with no one sitting at them. George Peppard approaches his commander, the two-star, major general Landers who was originally in command. Major General Landers has fallen into despair and sits in his office all day drinking whiskey. How the major general managed to bring a large quantity of alcohol into a missile silo is beyond me. I can only surmise he took full advantage of his own rank and commanding position to bring personal goods into the silo which would not be searched by Security personnel, since he was the commanding officer. From what I know, alcohol is strictly, and I mean strictly forbidden almost on pain of death inside a missile silo. Major Eugene Denton (George Peppard) has a short conversation with the despondent, half-drunk general, briefing him on the radio signal from Albany, New York, and the work on the roadmaster all-terrain vehicles. Major General Landers briefly looks up from his stupor and almost angrily points out that Albany is almost three thousand miles away. But then the general waves on major Denton, mumbling that he can proceed, mostly to get rid of Denton out of his office so the general can start drinking again. In the dvd this scene is totally missing. I saw this scene when the movie was televised on television one late night.


I remember this scene as well. The only time I have ever seen it was on the television version broadcast in the early-80's. As far as I know, this was never part of the original theatrical version, but the "TV Version" only. There were other scenes added to the TV version to pad the time, such as a scene with George Peppard and Domenique Sanda on the Landmaster, discussing the journey. Vague to me now, but I do remember it.

"It's people..."


I remember a scene in which the guy who eventually drops his ash into the magazine and blows the place up is telling Tanner about a shop in L.A. that used to sell, "all these... WEIRD marital aids!!!", and urging him to check it out if he ever makes it that far on his bike.



From other imdb posters it looks like there is another short scene missing where the Air Force enlisted man (who is later responsible for sleeping and dropping his lit cigarette onto a Playboy magazine which started a fire) tells Jack about some adult store in Los Angeles that sells strange marital aids.

I just purchased the SHOUT dvd today. The company has done an excellent job with the dvd; probably digitally remastered it. The colors are sharp and vivid.
But alas, both short scenes are still missing.

Someone wrote on this board that the short scene of the despairing major general Landers was shown only on television.


I only saw that scene once in 1984, but I still remember it. The general had been drinking in his office when Major Denton comes in and proposes that they leave this place. The general was drunkenly saying that it's all over. "None of the other missile silos have responded. None of the 'Centers For National Defense'. There's nothing out there." That was when Maj. Denton said that they were still receiving the Albany signals.


The Amazon stream seems fairly intact. I saw the movie when it was first released, but I don't recall much from it.
