MovieChat Forums > Damnation Alley (1977) Discussion > A modern remake of this movie could real...

A modern remake of this movie could really kick ass!

A remake of this movie today would be awesome! What a great storyline: military men in a super-vehicle travel across a post-Apocolyptic landscape. While fighting crazed survivalists and giant cockroaches! Just think how the "killer cockroaches" scene could be done today with CGI...the mind boggles!!
Even the co-producer in the Blu-ray dvd commentary says it should be remade. Do you think there's a possibility that Fox would ever do it?


I wish for a remake with a different ending twist.
Incidently, the ending is almost like Will Smith's post Apocolyptic I am Legend.


All they really need to do is a remake that's actually based on the book...


Exactly this. I've just finished re-reading the book because it's been 30 years since i got it as a kid. Make the film based on the book not the pile of crap this movie ended up.


With the computer technology available now the moviemaker could really set forth to make a kick-ass 21st century version with improved special effects and soundtrack to match, just needs to be greenlighted..


the vehicle still exists too. I believe someone restored it a few years ago.


Producer Paul Maslansky on the DVD commentary agrees it should be remade. He says the fx and budget available at the time was totally inadequate for the story.
