Carmen named Carmen for a reason...

Just noticed it while watching the original today...

I would imagine they named the new main character of Carmen in "Breaking Training" after the musical piece that was a centerpiece of the original.

If this was obvious, I apologize, but it just dawned on me today. Pretty cool.




And, being Italian, Carmen Ronzonni was of course named after the famous macaroni company (actually spelled "Ronzoni"). I'll bet Jimmy Baio never imagined that this character would receive such scrutiny all the way into 2008!


The writers may also have been thinking of Carmine Ragusa, a popular character on "Laverne & Shirley". Also, it seems rather obvious that they wanted to have their own Fonzie, considering the success of "Happy Days". The lovable, Italian-American greaser was becoming a stock character in American films and TV.


Wow, you're right and I never noticed that. Nevertheless, I think Carmen was a pretty wasted character. I don't remember laughing at even one of his lines. I finally saw this movie last year, over a quarter of a century after seeing the first one. I think it's an adequate sequel but after a good beginning never recovers from the scene in which they play that pick up game against that "gang" at the gas station. I should write a review of it!


I saw this in the theaters when I was 10 but not again until Sunday night when, for some reason, it was on MLB Network. I had completely forgotten the story. When Carmen showed up I thought "How ridiculous - another girl pitcher? And none of them see through it?". I kept waiting for the big reveal until the credits. I know it's weak sauce to mock a child actor, but Jimmy Baio reminded me of a young Rosie O'Donnell. He was terrible.

Every boy my age thought Kelly Leak was the coolest kid in the world. The best baseball player, rode a dirtbike, flouted authority, drank beer, got older chicks.


Kelly also looked like the kid who could get you some pot.

Established 1976
