Reboot twist

A gay married couple (two men) used to have a woman living with them. She moved out. Another gay man wants to move in. Landlord is fine with married couple but doesn't want threesomes. So he has to pretend to be straight.

Any other ideas for twists?


Sounds interesting.


Problem is the show would be catering to a very small demographic. At the time of three's company you were pushing a show that pandered to a straight man's fantasy of living with two attractive women... big demographic for that back then. Your goal needs to be to find the largest demographic you could appeal to, and regardless of what the leftist want you to believe, straights still out number any other parts of the rainbow by a very large margin.


> At the time of three's company you were pushing a show that pandered to a straight man's fantasy of living with two attractive women... big demographic for that back then.

Still is.


I would agree where I live... but it seems like straight men are becoming scarce in parts of America.



The media just highlights the alphabet mafia and straight women more.

For now.


No, they're just not allowed to let people know they are straight.


Too small a demographic for gay men.

Instead, two hot young female Asian nudist lesbians invite a hot young very shy straight Latina babe friend with big breasts to live with them.

But their old Dyke landlord hates straight people so the Asian lesbians tell her their friend is also a lesbian nudist.

The landlord lets the Latina friend move in but now, every time the landlord visits the apartment, the shy Latina has to walk around naked and kiss the Asian girls to prove she isn’t straight.

Only, the landlord now has the hots for the Latina and keeps trying to seduce her.

Hilarity ensues.


The reboot would have to contain Diversity in the 3 involved and maybe a white man shown pumping gas at the gas station or sitting in the "Regal Beagle" to make it look good


The entire premise of the original show hinged on the fact that if you were out of school, working for a living, and not married, you were expected to either live on your own, or find some roommates and pool your resources to pay the rent.

Today, the whole "platonic roommates" demographic, while not completely gone, is a FAR smaller portion of the population. Where it was once embarrassing to be a certain age and still living with parents or a relative, today it's considered completely "normal". It's also presumed that if you're "living with" someone that you're also romantically involved with them, so the whole "platonic roommate" status has for the most part fallen by the wayside.
