MovieChat Forums > Three's Company (1977) Discussion > Which of Jack's girlfriends actually see...

Which of Jack's girlfriends actually seemed like a good match?

So he ends up with Vicki, who had the personality of a cantaloupe. Which of his girlfriends (apart from his roommates) would have been good for him?

Barbara, from "The Older Woman," was probably the most intelligent and centered fling Jack had. The writers seemed to suspect this, so they wrote that both she and Jack knew it was temporary. Otherwise, why would Jack give her up, especially since she likes to surf?


I always liked Jack's therapist girlfriend in Season 8. I believe the name of the episode was Hearing was Believing.


Yes, she was pretty intelligent and level-headed as well. She even took Janet's insane psychosis in stride!


Mr. Roper thinks Chrissy is pregnant in season 3, and Jack and Janet think Cindy is pregnant in season 5.


Sorry wrong thread


I think Barbara too.


I've always had a soft spot for Debbie, the girl with the 2 guy roommates. She was adorable and had great comedic timing to match Jack's/John Ritter's.
