You're absolutely right! I agree 100%. However, to generalize that the time of the 70's and 80's was free spirited in the general sense, and this was nothing more than a reflection of everyone's day to day wouldn't be totally accurate. It was a niche area of society for sure, that dribbled over from the 60s, and they decided to capitalize on the last bit of it. I actually think the reactions and jokes coming from Mr. Roper and Mr. Furley about Jack's "homosexuality" was more an accurate reflection of the time period.
What I found interesting and a little annoying (despite seeing the boom mic in almost every single episode lol) is how often they contradicted themselves. For example, Jack knows he shouldn't be dating two woman at the same time (and often tries to hide it from the other woman) but somehow feels it's appropriate to smack the asses and kiss the lips of his roommates. lol.
I don't agree that they didn't see Jack as a threat. A serious threat no. But his character was clearly developed into someone you absolutely would not want to give the wrong impression to.
You said,
"If I had a roommate like Jack I wouldn't mind if he kissed me though."
Well of course! And if I was single (that's the key word there, single) I wouldn't mind if Janet or Terry kissed me either. But it's certainly not appropriate if you're dating someone, and certainly not appropriate if you don't want to give the wrong impression to a guy who, as you pointed out, was consistently making passes at you. lol
The problem with establishing a relationship with a friend of the opposite sex that includes ass smacking and kissing on the lips, is eventually this (what many would see as a luxury) will have to cease if any of the two involved hope to have a meaningful relationship with anyone. I know I wouldn't feel comfortable dating a woman who lived with a guy that kissed her on the lips goodbye and smacked her ass on the way out. lol.