Best misunderstanding

What do you think was the best misunderstanding? There's so many of course but I thought the most outrageous one was when they thought Janet was going to hire a father.


My favorite is probably when Chrissy and Janet think each other are dating Jack because of a Dear Abby letter that Lana insisted was about them.


That's one of the best, King Trump. Also, the one about Mrs. Roper's garden and whatever she was growing or not.


redhillpb - Beer and weeds I think that episode is called. It's hilarious. I love that episode. Mr. Roper makes homemade beer while the kids clean the garden and find marijuana plants.


I watch the Roper years over and over. Beer and Weeds might be my favorite one.


What do you think was the best misunderstanding?

I like the one where Chrissy has a wart but the Ropers think she's pregnant. The conversation between Chrissy and Mrs. Roper with the two of them completely misunderstanding each other is classic. "My aunt had one that weighed 9 and 1/2 lbs!"


What about that episode Larry hits on the mother of Jack's older girlfriend? Janet and Chrissy thought that Jack was seeing the old lady and got poor Larry to make a pass at her, 'Young man, what do you think you're doing?' before she slaps him.


These are all good so far. All from the 1st few seasons too...



Martha: Young man, just what is it you think you're doing?
Larry: Now why fight it, Martha? The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew there was something between us.
Martha (getting up): Oh, oh, oh! (Smacks Larry)

THAT was funny! 


The punchline... Mr. Roper looks at Larry, completely unnerved: "You're WEIRD!"


There were two episodes I remember that had the best misunderstanding. In one, Jack and Crissy were in the bathroom trying to fix the shower head pipe. Mr. Roper could hear their conversations and thought they were talking about sex ("maybe if you push a little harder, it might go in.") In another, I think Jack and Janet had found a puppy and Mr. Roper overheard them and thought the conversation was about Jack's penis ("come on, pet it. It won't bite".)

My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.


There was also the one scene where Furley hears Chrissy and Jack with the shower curtain and he thinks they're fooling around. "You got to unfold it first!"


Furley's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head in that scene.


That scene was in the episode called Chrissy's Hospitality. The main plot of that episode was hilarious and it's my fave show. Jack and Janet think Chrissy is going to die but she's really being released from the hospital. Janet: "Did they say when you're going?" Chrissy: "Going where?" Janet (tilting her head): "Well, you know..." Chrissy: "Oh, about noon." I was LOL for real!

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


Love another scene in that episode: Jack thinks he's not going to be able to see Chrissy for much longer because she's going to die. Furley comes out and says something like, "Well, when you get home you can prop her up on a couple of pillows and stare at her all day!"

Jack is just totally horrifed at that point!


CHRISSY: I always wanted to go out with a bang. Well, it's almost over.

JACK: She can't walk. She has to be carried.


Here's the hilarious exchange:

Jack: Okay, Chrissy. I'll get into the tub with you and then we can get it on.
Chrissy: Get next to me. I'll show you what to do.
Jack: You know, this isn't exactly the first time I've ever done this.
Chrissy: Well, maybe so, but girls are better at this than boys.
Jack: Come on, Chrissy. A little less talk and a little more action.
Chrissy: Okay. You do your part, I'll do mine. (Looks up) I don't think it'll reach.
Jack: Of course not, Chrissy. You got to unfold it first. 



My favorite is when Jack and Chrissy are supposed to be out of the apartment so Janet can brink a guy home. However, Jack breaks his leg. Jack and Chrissy are in his bedroom when Janet comes home with the guy.

The misunderstanding is that Janet is describing her ferns but Jack and Chrissy think she's talking about her breasts.


I always liked the pot episode where Jack is being shaken down by a building inspector. Jack records him and the police detective thinks Furley is a drug dealer. He listens to the wrong recording and hears Furley say to Jack "I got that pot for you and it's the finest quality,and it's from Mexico." Later his attractive female partner goes to Furley's apartment thinking he is a dealer and tries to make a buy and following dialog takes place.
she: "Jack sent me"
Furley: "Oh why?"
she: "He said you could turn me on"
Furley: "Jack said that?"
she: "Well he couldn't help me"
Furley: "I'm not surprised"


That one's another classic. I watched it just the other day.


The wart from "Stanley's Hotline."

"But we've decided to keep it and name it after you."
