MovieChat Forums > Three's Company (1977) Discussion > The producers thought we were stupid

The producers thought we were stupid

Producers of the show must have thought the audience was dumber than owl poo using the same actor and or actress to play multiple characters thought the artisans not think we as the Threes company elite would not notice to them I say Bullock's


A lot of TV shows used to do that, Barney Miller, Mary Tyler Moore, others. Maybe budget reasons, don't really know why/ But, it kept the actors off the streets and out of politics.


Intelligence has nothing to do with it. This was an old convention. As a viewer, you're really not supposed to be paying attention to that. It's actually a treat to see the same people in different roles.


They were not the first show to do that. I'm not sure which was but I love Lucy did that honeymooners dick van dyke show just how it was.
