MovieChat Forums > Three's Company (1977) Discussion > Janet was the ultimate prude

Janet was the ultimate prude

Janet was so prudish it was disgusting I'm sure she was a virgin bride in the final episode.


Janet was so prudish it was disgusting I'm sure she was a virgin bride in the final episode.
Because, of course, the absolute WORST thing that a person can be is a "prude"...

And to be a VIRGIN on your WEDDING NIGHT of all things...Horrors!! 


Oh come now how many times did we see Janet twist a guts arm behind his back and flip him over just for touching her shoulder


I don't think Janet was originally written to be a "prude". After all she did ask Jack for her Birthday kiss that she was determined to get.


I would say they were all virgins except for Jack and Terri.


Janet was especially judgmental towards Jack's therapist girlfriend. I think it was season 8.


Don't you mean the rapist?


But attempted to do a strip tease at the going away party for Eleanor and that was in the very first episode.


Janet may have been a prude but she more than made up for it by wearing those jeans that showed off her delicious cameltoe!
