
Been watching the different seasons of TC on different channels. I like the Chrissy episodes best. After she left the characters seemed to change. Janet got more uptight. Then with addition of Teri jack got uptight more reserved. Not the fun kids as the show started. The Teri EPs are unwatchable. They should have ended it with Cindy and never tried threes a crowd which was just awful.

Rip Carrie fisheršŸ˜„


I don't understand what happened to Janet. She became a bit of a dork. I feel like they wrote her that way so she would contrast more with Terri. I think Jack was maybe just maturing.

That's crazy talk. You're Crazy, Marge!


I thought it was funny, when Janet was upset once and "drinking her problems away" It appeared she was drinking beer or wine, but it was really MILK lol they made it look like Janet never drank alcohol in the later episodes but she did drink wine in the earlier years.


If Janet were more uptight her butt crack would be over her forehead


I don't know why they made Janet more uptight in the later seasons, it's not as if she was ever that loose are anything. With Jack, I think they were just maturing him a bit since they were getting older as it is.


I love the Chrissy episodes. The best of the series, IMO. Even though I like a few of the Terri episodes, I agree that the show should have ended after season 5.
