Was this an episode of TOTU

I remember an episode (but I'm not sure if it was tales of the unexpected) about a family who discover that their house has been encased in metal trapping them inside. The temperature slowly rises and the wife becomes more and more paranoid. She eventually notices that a tattoo on her husbands arm is also to be found on cans of food in the kitchen and items of furniture etc. The twist is that at the end we find that they are electronic dolls whose house has been placed in the oven by the brother of the little girl owner. I'm sure that the last line as the mother pulls the dolls out is that if they have to be sent away for reprogramming, the little boy will pay for it cos he knows that heat makes them a little mad.

If anyone can remember what this episode was called or whether ir came from another series such as outer limits I'd be very grateful.

Many thanks


Well,I don't think that the episode you are talking about is from TOTU but if you are so interested you can visit www.tvtome.com where there is a summary for each episode of TOTU.There you will see if you were right about the show.


Finally got around to checking out the site and it wasn't an episode of TOTU. If anyone else recognises the plot PLEASE let me know.


Michael :-)


Try the TV movie Child's Play from 1985 It starred Mary Crosby.


Nah, I've actaully seen taht episode before, but I don't remember what it was either. damn, i remember thinking that was cool when i was little. It's possibly from Tales from the Darkside cuz i used to watch taht a lot, but I'm not sure.



As soon as I read Mary Crosby's name I realised that this was the one. Now I just need to get hold of a copy of it.

Thanks again.

