Stuffed monkey?
I posted this on "I Need to Know" and it was suggested that the episode might have been from this show. Can anyone help me?
I remember catching the tail end of an anthology episode shown late at night sometime around 1990-95. It had a strange but not quite supernatural vibe somewhat like "The Hitchhiker" and ended with a narrator directly addressing the camera. This episode involved a wealthy older couple, where the wife loved this stuffed monkey toy (she was possibly a bit senile.) I don't know what happened really but maybe a younger guy stole it or was trying to blackmail them and the old guy killed him??? Something about the monkey being bad luck maybe too. Anyway the monkey is lost or destroyed but the last scene shows the old man opening up a closet with dozens of identical monkey toys and taking one out to give to his wife. That was the end, and in the epilogue the narrator is on a high balcony holding the monkey and saying something along the lines of, "Well as you can see, it's just a harmless toy..." and the camera quickly cuts to a shot of him falling off the balcony!!! It was one of the screwiest things I've ever seen on tv, and has been in the back of my mind for a long time.
P.S. Please reply no matter how long it's been since I originally posted this, I check every couple of days.
Looking for a movie where a guy keeps looking up meaningless stuff online. Maybe called "My Life?"