Childless Couples

Ever noticed that most of the episodes are based on married couples with no kids? Come to think of it, pretty much every British drama or sitcom from that era has that make-up. Problems with getting child actors or do kids get in the way of the story?


There are a few episodes with kids.

The general theme is the husband wants to kill the wife....a kid would be in the way


Maybe they followed the age old saying, "Never work with children or animals"

Tales Of The Unexpected, UFO, Blake's 7, Sapphire & Steel


Maybe they have 'no kids' because, they're:

A) Their children are grown up and not relevant to the story.

B) The guy cannot have kids.

C) She cannot have kids.

D) They don't want kids.

E) They'll have them later.


In addition to childless couples there appear to be a fair few "blind" themes and hapless fellows called Arthur.


Yes there are!!!



I am with you there, nihilist5!


I've been watching all of the episodes on You Tube and I'm still a couple of seasons short of seeing them all, but I can say it occurred to me that there is a serious lack of children in the series. They have shown up as main characters or supporting characters in only a very few episodes, and in some (like The Stinker) they're just sort of background material to support a flashback.

In Georgie Porgie we see Georgie as a young boy in a flashback and we see Perkins and Foxley also in a flashback in Galloping Foxley.

Flypaper and Taste both feature teen girls.

I still have to see the Boy Who talked to Animals so I can't say anything about that yet though it has young Perkins from Galloping Foxley in it.

Far as I can tell the series focused almost exclusively on adults.

I must admit I am kind of tired of seeing Joan Collins popping up in the eps, so far I have seen her in three!

I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.



Could be as simple a matter as censors decreeing this or that couldnt be shown. Could be simply that in alot of these episodes the family is brought to ruin at the end. That would be a bit "more" depressing to some if episodes kept ending with some now parentless waif standing in the credits traumatized. Some people react very negatively to things like that or kids in peril.

A more likely reason as a poster above suggested is simply that a kid would get in the way of or detract from the story. About 90% of all horror stories dont have kids in them. And some directors were very much opposing network insistence on having a kid in everything, or a pet, etc.

But my personal guess is that it would detract and would tend to be pointless or serve for needless padding. If you are hoing to have a kid in a horror story, might as well make it central. Even shows like Monsters followed this pattern.


I don't think it is an issue with child actors but rather is a mirror of the reality that many British married couples decide to not have children.

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