MovieChat Forums > Tales of the Unexpected (1979) Discussion > Last ever story was absolutely stupid

Last ever story was absolutely stupid

Mr. Know-All, starring Topol. What an absurd story.

This old man in his late 50s, and every woman in the hotel cannot resist bedding him.

The guy was a total slimeball, utterly creepy. It just wouldn't happen. Least they could have cast someone like Nigel Havers. Then it might have been believable.

But an ugly old man. And why were the women so eager to jump into bed with him anyway? Barmy.


I'm afraid it is quite possible. My getting married is proof that a young, attractive lady can be charmed by an ugly old man! ;)

I do see where you're coming from though. I agree that a Nigel Havers or equivalent may have been a better choice.

Tales Of The Unexpected, UFO, Blake's 7, Sapphire & Steel


Thanks for the reply. I'm sure Nigel or Christopher Cazenove would have been far better choices.

Topol was totally miscast, especially in real life I imagine that hot young maid wouldn't go a mile within distance of the character he played.



It was also contradictory - the premise was that the hotel owner was in the wrong for being uptight by not wanting sexual encounters being broadcast about the place. But at the end, the characters gave discrete waves to each other so as not to draw attention to themselves.

Mr Frampton, vis-a-vis your rump
