Does this look remotely familiar?
I came here to ask if this description sounds familiar to anyone, and it seems that I'm not the first person to come here hoping to get their "I Need to Know" answered. Well, add me to the list. I'm 43 years old, and I've had this in my head since I was 7. Ish. I've been asking for 10 years, since before IMDB had boards like this, I asked them when they were still "Stump the Staff," and they were stumped. I got a tip on my "I Need to Know" post that maybe it's a TOTU ep. Please, I implore you TOTU experts, does this sound like a possible episode, cuz I know I saw what I describe below, and I"m dying to know what the frak it is. My unyielding thanks to anyone who can help.
* I've always believed that this had to be between the years of 1975 and 1978, but I guess I could be wrong and it's later, but it can't possibly be much later.
* Little Girl me perceives this as having been a Masterpiece Theatre like show on PBS, it was a British vehicle.
* British man that Little Girl me perceives to be "older" but is probably 45-60, wanders through a woodsy area, but there are small foothills, and he is in a very reflective, serious mood. He doesn't have good memories here, and he is possibly looking for something. There's a mysterious quality, like he's on a mission to prove that something he thinks he remembers really was there.
* He comes upon what Little Girl me thinks is a bowler hat, with that lip around the circumfrence, and it's been eaten away in places. It's in really bad shape having been out in the elements. Come to find out shortly that it's not a hat, it's a chamber pot.
* Upon finding the hat, the man recalls a strong memory, and I'm not sure if he's always had that memory or if it comes unbidden by finding the hat, but he remembers being a boy of about 10 or 12 dressed in 1920's or 1930's clothing, and he's in the presence of these hillbilly like cave people. Trogladite'ish. Toothless hill people. Whatever you wanna call them, they're the equivalent of that period's "living off the grid." They are absolutely creepy, and he is not comfortable in their presence. They take him back to their cave or he's in their cave already in his memory -- maybe it's a shack, Little Girl me's perceptions are skewed now that I'm 40's me -- and the boy has to go to the bathroom. Hillbilly man gives him what is now clearly the not-a-hat-but-a-chamber-pot that we see earlier, the cave people think it's all very amusing and are laughing, but the boy is not, he's upset. He pees, and he's very upset during all of this and squeezes his eyes shut and yells, "I want to wake up, I want to wake up!!!" In a very Engllish accent.
* Cut right back to the man in present day remembering this like an epiphany.
That's all I got. Now waaaay back, I had added elements from The Lathe of Heaven into this memory, but I've since watched Lathe with Bruce Davison many times, and these scenes are NOT in that. So, it's not Lathe, I combined two different shows.
Is this familiar to anyone? I did not dream this, this show existed. I've been asking for more than 10 years now. Hoping one of these days, someone will know. PLEASE HELP!