fantastic series
I find it interesting that back in 77 they actually did 13-16 episode seasons, and did three in a row. now if something like this were made, you would get 6 shows per season, and possibly have a year off between seasons. 42 glorious episodes of this great series in three years. today this would take 10 years to accomplish and all the actors would age too much.
If this show were on every week for 52 weeks out of every year, I would watch every episode every year for 15 friggin years it's so good. The women are all beautiful, the atmosphere is so cool, the nazi's are not the sterotypical all evil nazi's. they actually have personalities and conflicts within themselves. especially the luftwaffe investigator who has to help kessler. it's like he knows what he is doing is wrong, he's helping the SS, he knows the SS is murdering people, he knows they torture people, yet he's a loyal german also and feels he must still do his job. not because he's a blind loyal hitler lover, but because it's his duty. it's interesting to see his increasing rebelion against the whole thing and kessler, and even though I haven' seen it yet, I'm sure he will end up paying the price for his "disloyalty".
something about the BBC 70's series, a true golden age of television