Who is your favourite actor and your favourite character??



Well, I guess I'll say mine. I'm on this huge Eugene Levy "obsession" right now, so I'll have to go with him as my favourite. But I absolutely love all of them!!!!!!!!

I have too many favourites, so I'll have to give a few for each actor.

John Candy - Dr. Tongue, Johnny LaRue, Yosh Shmenge, Mayor Tommy Shanks, William B. Williams, Larry
Joe Flaherty - Guy Cabellero, Floyd Robertson (& Count Floyd), Sammy Maudlin
Eugene Levy - Bobby Bittman, Earl Camembert, Gus Gustofferson, Woddy Tobias, Jr., Stan Shmenge, Sid Dithers, Alex Trebel, Mel Slirrup, he once played a poet named Leonard
Andrea Martin - Edith Prickley, Pirini Scleroso, Indira Ghandi
Rick Moranis - Bob Mackenzie, Gerry Todd, Skip Bittman, Woody Allen, can't remember the name: the guy who has his own talk show and does nothing but ramble on without letting his guests speak
Catherine O'Hara - Margaret Meehan, Lola Heatherton
Martin Short - Ed Grimley, Brock Linahan, Pierre E. Trudeau, Jerry Lewis
Dave Thomas - Doug Mackenzie, Bob Hope, Lee A. Iacocca, Bill Needle, Angus Crock, the "Sweating Weasle", Harvey Keitel... Dave did a great job at speaking quickly

There are so many more... most of them were just from skits here and there, so I don't know the names... but these guys were all great!!!!! It's sad that the show didn't go on longer, but then if it would have, it may not have been remembered as the show it is today: timeless, fresh and funny...

Cassonade - "Tired of ordinary television? Don't touch that dial. SCTV is now on the air!"


oooh!! and I forgot Dave's impersonation of Richard Harris.... I LOVE IT!!!! the quiet and loud voices... the greatest!

Cassonade - "Tired of ordinary television? Don't touch that dial. SCTV is now on the air!"


I agree! Dave as Richard Harris is the funniest.

let the bad color not be seen. it attracts them.


What about Harold Ramis? Moe Green, Crazy Legs, and probably my favourite character: Ol' Muley of Muley's Roundhouse. Too bad most them only appeared in one episode...

Come to the board for Jon Vitti!


I'm just now catching up on this show on DVD (I know, that's technically SCTV 90), and by far my favorite so far is Eugene Levy as Floyd the barber, in THE GODFATHER tribute.

"It's as if God created the Devil...and gave him...JAWS"


I'm just now catching up on this show on DVD (I know, that's technically SCTV 90), and by far my favorite so far is Eugene Levy as Floyd the barber, in THE GODFATHER tribute.

"It's as if God created the Devil...and gave him...JAWS"


I'm gonna go by fav sketches. There's still more sketches I gotta see that was taken out of syndication. Philosophy Street, Gaslight, Hugh Betcha's Night Gallery, The Rambler's Greatest hits, The Mating Game,Dining With LaRue: French Restaurant, LaRue Towers, all the Alex Trebel sketches(spoofing Alex Trebeck), Gerry Todd Show(1&2), The Bowery Boys, Vic Arpeggio Private Investigator(both sketches), Fantasy Island, Hugh Betcha's Short Story Playhouse, Steeplechase, Power Play, Happy Hour, Thursday Night Live(spoofing ABC's Fridays), Captain Combat, CCCP 1, Zontar, Godfather, Dick Cavett, Love is the greatest thing and I meant the sincerelly, Perini Scleroso fro Shine detergent and Pepsi challenge. I have more but i'll leave ya with that for now.

my grandmamma gave me this chain" DJ Pooh as Red
Friday 1995


I love everyone in this show, they're all hilarious. So i'll give my favorites for each of them.

John Candy- Dr. Tongue, Johnny La Rue, Babe Ruth

Joe Flaherty- Salvador Dali, Rocco, Guy, Vic Hedges

Eugene Levy- Brian Johns, Paul from Pre-teen world, Sid Dithers

Andrea Martin-Pirini Scleroso,Edith Prickley,Edna Boil,Kathy Tutor,Dutch, Mojo

Rick Moranis- Merv Giffin, Gerry Todd, Bob Mackenzie

Catherine O'Hara- DUSTY TOWNE!, Margaret Meehan, Lola Heatherton, Alexis Shannon

Dave Thomas- G. Gordon Liddy, Lin Ye Tang, the angry young brit, Doug Mac.

Martin Short- Ed Grimley, Brock Linahan

Harold Ramis- Crazy Legs, Moe Green


For some odd reason, Pirini just rocks my world. Otherwise I love Count Floyd, Lin Ye Tang, the angry young Brit, Sid Dithers, Lola, Margaret Meehan... way too many. I just love that show way too much.

Paganini- music's original sex symbol


I'm glad to see others mention Pirini. Andrea Martin is just so completely into that character - the eyes, the movements of hands, arms, just hysterical. I've just been watching the DVDs - hadn't seen the show since the late 1970s when I lived in Boston (so these 90 minute NBC shows on DVD are entirely new to me), but I remembered that character very well.

Still, I just can't pick a favorite. The truth is my favorite is whatever one I'm watching at the time! I just can't think of any (and I mean ANY - including e.g., the "straight parts" such as Catherine O'Hara's in some of the scenes with the Pirini character) that didn't strike me as wonderfully inspired.

This show was just so ingenious. One thing I loved was that the characters they created were not run into the ground as I always felt watching the charcters created on Saturday Night Live and trotted out in program after program after program.

Another was that the skits seemed to build fantastically from the premise - whereas again on SNL, they usually seemed to just meander from the premise - trusting that people would just find the premise so funny that they'd continue to laugh.

A third was that there were SO many sketches in each program - none seemed to run for more than about 3 minutes (except the major two or three parodies).

One of the things this show seemed to aim at - and do superbly - was simply the juxtaposition of unfamiliar things - which I think characteristic of television. (How often in the 1960s did I see strange combinations on television - e.g., an Andy Warhol star like Viva sitting beside say, comedian London Lee, watching Sergio Franchi perform a duet with Mike Douglas on his show - on the Mike Douglas Show, it was terribly awkward - on SCTV, Lola Heatherton Sammy Maudlin and Mother Theresa was hilarious).

I find the commentaries on the DVDs fascinating - e.g., why IS Flaherty so deferential to Eugene Levy? What MAKES Andrea Martin and Catherine O'Hara SO modest (and self-conscious watching themselves) compared to the others? They're both comedy geniuses - and I don't think they realize the level of affection in which they are held by truly tens of millions of people over almost 30 years).
Why does Rick Moranis not seem to be participating in the DVDs? (He was as funny as any of them - the Gerry Todd charcter is priceless - as is Edith Prickley, just too many to name.

I loved the Communist accountant played by Harold Ramis. I loved the Japanese talk show host played by Dave Thomas. I loved the Angry Young Man - I guess Dave Thomas again - what impersonations! I thought the Catherine Meehan character pricelss - and Eugene Levy's game show host perfect). I loved John Candy's Gyorgi - and the whispering "Uzbeks" part of the Russian program.

This show was truly inspired, the stuff of genius.


John Candy: Johnny LaRue
Joe Flaherty: Floyd Robertson
Eugene Levy: Earl Camembert or Bobby Bittman
Andrea Martin: Edith Prickley
Rick Moranis: Gerry Todd or Merv Griffin
Catherine O'Hara: Nikki or Lola Heatherton
Harold Ramis: Moe Green
Dave Thomas: Bob Hope or Harvey K-Tel


From Iron Chef American to Princess of the Gourmet Academy, I WILL RULE THIS PLANET!!!!!


The 5 Neat Guys
The Happy Wanderers
Mrs. Falbo & Mr. Messenger


My fav was Dave Thomas doing Bob Hope with Joe Flaherty's Bing Crosby. Joe also did a pretty good Oscar Wilde and a funny Slim Whitman. I found most of Eugene Levy's characters annoying, but I loved his version of Floyd the Barber.


My lasting image of SCTV, is of Harold Ramus playing Eddie Haskill, in the LEAVE IT TO Beaver sketch. Also, the Farm Report, where everyone "blows up, real good." Dave Thomas, and John Flaherty were the best of the cast.


Bobby Bitman


Ramis played Whitie. I think Levy played Eddie


Eugene levy's two characters Gene Shalit and Lou Jaffe. not neccessarily my all time most favourite characters but certainly deserve to be mentioned

"ive done alot of stuff i aint too proud of... and the stuff i am proud of is disgusting."

