Until they release the early Harold Ramis ep's on DVD, they haven't released SCTV. Damn you Shout Factory for cutting it off before the REALLY good ep's were released
These were taped from the half-hour syndicated eps NBC and Comedy Central aired. Just be careful leaving comments on chalomirof63's vids. She's a real-life Kathy Tudor(Pre-Teen World character played by Andrea Martin, a sensitive little brat). They'll be somewhat obsolete now that the Comedy Network here in Canada is airing them on the weekends. Guess they won't release anymore SCTV DVDs.
IMDB's most overlooked poster,giving you true posts since 2001J-Dilla 4-Eva
Wasn't it really Dave Thomas that vetoed releasing the Season one episodes on DVD?
Everytime he talks about season one on the sets that have been released you can hear the bile rising in his throat. He absolutely hated that year.
I have seen those episodes and frankly I didn't think they were that bad. Sure there weren't good costumes or sets like in the latter years but it was more like the stage shows anyway which is where these folks came from.
---Wasn't it really Dave Thomas that vetoed releasing the Season one episodes on DVD?---
The release hasn't been vetoed, per se. It's more a cost benifit analysis issue. When SCTV Season 1 was produced they never accounted for the music they used. Even the themesong was from an old Spike Jones skit used without permission. This means that if the show is "First Run" (on any network) it can be aired without a problem. That's why you'll see it pop up on some cable network now and again. I'm hoping that American Life TV or The Hub will pick it up as a "first run".
However, in rerun cycle BMI/ASCAP rules require payment for all the music used (incidental or not). For a DVD realease, they would have to pay to figure out what music was used in every episode, and then pay the artists the royalties to use their music. Now here's the bottom line: If a DVD release of season 1 will still make a profit, then no problem. Do it. But, if BMI/ASCAP are asking for an amount that we "the fans" couldn't cover with our DVD purchases? Then forget it. If they were going to reach some sort of agreement, they should have by now. My fingers are crossed though, you never know.