MovieChat Forums > Second City TV (1977) Discussion > Shmenge tribute to John Williams re-dubb...

Shmenge tribute to John Williams re-dubbed!!?

I was watching the season 4 DVD set and when it comes to that clip, that I remember so well from the John Candy DVD I used to own, I swear the re-dubbed the music so that it sounds "close to" but isn't quite the actual John Williams scores... don't tell me some douche somewhere decided to throw a copyright fit and ruin one of my favorite SCTV moments of all time (the part with Candy in the shark costume)!!!


The John Williams Tribute was Season 5 (cycle 4,DVD volume 4).

Giving you true posts since 2001"Toot toot"-Charles Doyle Haas


Yeah, the whole DVD thing is confusing as hell! I recognize the challenge Shout Factory has have and I'm totally grateful for what they've done - but I'm really bummed out that the whole series may never be available to home viewers!
