The SCTV 'curse'

It finally happened. The dreaded SCTV curse has struck again.
Everytime they impersonated someone that person inevitably died!
And now its happened to Elizabeth Taylor. Or maybe it was all those Ho-Hos and cans of Tab she was stuffing in her bag at the People's Global Golden Choice Awards?

Just check out the Irwin Allen Show and all the people listed on that ... ALL DEAD. Except for OJ Simpson and Ernest Borgnine...and maybe Robert Wagner (not sure about him)

Are there others that have eluded the curse? Jaime Farr, Linda Lavin, Alan Alda?
I bet Ed Asner will be next.


How about the "Wizard of Oz" curse? EVERYBODY who was in that movie has died!


Now Ernest Borgnine is gone.


uh, wait enough time and every person ever impersonated on ANY show will INEVITABLY die. not much of a curse if you ask me, just common sense.

I told her not to read it.
Read what?
The angry pajama people.
