Favorite Actors, Sketches, Characters, Impressions, etc.
Looking back on the whole series (both SCTV and SCTV Network on NBC) it never ceases to amaze me how talented each cast member was. There wasn't a single one of them that was any better than the rest, they were all simply amazing. Each could either carry or support a sketch as needed, and no one ever veered over the top unless necessary.
That said, I'm most consistently impressed by John Candy, Rick Moranis, and Catherine O'Hara. John had several characters that were bigger than the room (i.e. Johnny La Rue, William B. Williams, etc.) but he was best with both subtle supporting work that you hardly remember but that makes the scene nonetheless (a good example is JOhn as the sandwich man in the G. Gordon Liddy sketch: Liddy: YOu got change for a thousand; Candy: (without skipping a beat or changing the tone) No I don't) and with sweet characters that were hilarious in that they seemed so normal (i.e. Yosh Schmenge and Mayor Tommy Shanks).
It amazes me how little Moranis is remembered as a comic genius. To most of my generation he's just that geeky looking guy who made a few funny movies, but you can see on SCTV how talented he was as a performer, writer, and impersonator. Most of Rick's sketches were the among the most creative stuff on the show. Its too bad he only got to show his comic range in only a few movies. The most underrated member of the cast.
And Catherine O'Hara is without a doubt the funniest actress of all time. She could play anything, just a chameleon.
As for the best recurring sketches:
The Sammy Maudlin Show: Just hilarious. The best ones in my opinion were the one with Mother Theresa and the one with Skip Bittman (another great Rick Moranis character).
The Happy Wanderers: Great, great sketch because of the characters. The Schmenges were just so sweet you had to root for them.
Miss Falbo's Tiny Town: Hilarious every time.
Best Non-Recurring Sketches:
The Vikings and The Bee-Keepers: Dave Thomas wrote this classic. FUNNIEST. SKETCH. EVER.
The Tim Ishimuni Show: Another Thomas penned classic, with the Japanese talk show that had Gorgon, a godzilla esque monster, as the guest.
Perry Como's 'Still Alive': Great concert promo.
Best Episodes:
SCTV Staff Christmas Party: Featuring all the classic characters in one room, as well as a Liberace Christmas Special Promo, a Christmas-Themed Great White North, The Neil Simon Parody 'Nutcracker Suite', a great Sammy Maudlin, and the Dusty Towne Chirstmas Special.
Walter Chronkite's Brain: Great Collection of Sketches. Including the game show Steeplechase, Pre-Teen World, and Screenacting with Dr. Tongue and Woddy Tobias, Jr.
I'm Taking My Own Head and Screwing It On Right and No Guys Gonna Tell Me That It Ain't: Great episode centering around You! host Libby Wilson's feminist play. Great Bill Needle and Fishin Musician sketches too. Also features one of their best movies, Power Play.
Best Characters:
John Candy: Dr. Tongue, Yosh Schmenge, and Mayor Tommy Shanks
Joe Flaherty: Guy Cabellero and Floyd Robertson
Eugene Levy: Bobby Bittman and Stan Schmenge
Andrea Martin: Libby Wilson, Ms Falbo, and Edna
Rick Moranis: Gerry Todd and Bob McKenzie
Catherine O'Hara: Lola Heatherton and Dusty Towne
Dave Thomas: Bill Needle, Doug McKenzie, and Tex
Best Impressions:
Dave Thomas as Bob Hope: Dead-On and fit every scene he was placed in.
Rick Moranis as Merv Griffin.
Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis as Walter Cronkeit and David Brinkley