A piece of history.
No stunning insights, merely a few thoughts prompted by an episode I watched today.
I was eight years old when The Professionals began in 1977 and was never allowed to watch it, even the later series. This was in the days before multiple television sets in houses in the UK, please note. Oh, how I missed out on the playground games based on and reviews of the preceding night's episode (broadcast on a Sunday, I believe)...
Anyway, I now have the chance to watch it (I'm 43, after all) and aside from realising what a rollicking good programme it is, which I had suspected all along, I am quite taken by the scenes of "Old London".
Few, relatively, cars on the roads, buildings - especially around the docks - before the mass gentrification (and resulting massive price increases) of the '80s onwards, how the shops looked, no London Eye, Gherkin, or Canary Wharf building, with the Post Office Tower the tallest structure on the skyline. A similar sense of wistful reminiscing descends when watching The Sweeney or Minder.
A thought about the clothes, too, perhaps. Was The Professionals the Miami Vice of its day re style? Some of the collections, especially Bodie's, it must be said, now seem a trifle wide of collar. However, I must confess that I quite like an outfit worn by Doyle of a grey tweed jacket, a shirt, faded, slightly-flared jeans and - God forgive me - cowboy boots. Actually, aside from the cowboy boots, it's an outfit not dissimilar to some worn by James May... Not a lot different to what I wear, either...
Still can't decide between the RS2000 and one of the Capris. Probably a Capri, even with a vinyl roof, although I prefer the 3.0S to the 3.0 Ghia.