I recently got the DVDs of this most brilliant production. I am trying very hard not to fast forward it as the plot keeps me on the edge of my seat ! I never saw it at the time it was made but I am really glad that they kept the master tapes. Anyone out there agreeing with me.
I first saw Poldark back in the seventies when I was twenty or so, and for many years it was my favourite series. Since then, Pride and Prejudice (1995), North & South and Jane Eyre (2006) have joined it in my affections. However, it's currently being repeated here in the UK and I've fallen in love with it (and Ross Poldark) all over again!!! Must read the books again.
"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"
Ross Poldark is certainly one of the kindess characters I have come across in any television series or film. He married the woman who happen to be with child by him and dumped the girlfriend who was messy him about. He helped a man who committed murder to escape. He helps his workers if they have problems.
Having only seen 2 disks I only hope there is no sad ending for him. Oh Ralph Bates is brilliant as the baddie !
It's a shame Ralph Bates died ! It's the way he smiles at the people who really don't like him when he is played the part of George Warleggan. You can not have such a good drama without a good quality baddie !
George Warleggan doesn't die, but the actor sadly died in 1991. And they were leeches on Hugh's head. Poor man! I'm just settling down to watch this afternoon's episode.
"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"
Funny you've just been looking at the Asda website, because so have I! (After reading your post on the other thread.) So the whole set comes to around £40. Still pricey when you think how old it is! I have both series on VHS. Bought them years ago, but haven't watched them for a long time. Yeah, I know it's daft still watching it on TV each day, but I like to experience it with everyone else. Have you tried renting it from your local library? You can watch your missed episodes and can keep it for at least a week. Update: You can buy videos really cheaply second hand now. Try scouring the shops.
"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"
I wonder of you get any 'extras' on the DVDs...You know,behind the scenes footage etc.You often get those on DVDs...
I wish I could find that programme where I saw Robin and Angharad talking about the making of Poldark...I ws only half listening. It was called The Story of the Costume Drama. I did find it on either the BBC or ITV catch up thingy,but it had run out. I have seen a few clips on You Tube though,which are interesting. The original Dr Enys was on there,as well as Robin and Angharad. Robin looks as lovely now as he did then,just a tad greyer. Angharad still looks amazing,and Dr Enys is bald.
Have you seen the other website,the Winston Graham one? They have a forum too,although it doesn't get many postings.
I can help you there Zola. I have that episode of The Story of the Costume Drama on DVD. I also taped a programme called The Cult of Poldark. If you like, I can send you copies. Just send me a personal message and I'll be glad to help.
"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"
Poldark finished today. 2 blockbusting episodes,back to back....Absolutely nail biting to the end. I even ended up feeling sorry for Elizabeth...(Only cos she died though)
What AM I gonna do now??
I am scouring E Bay for a complete set of DVDs,I simply have to get them. It is,in my opinion,the best costume drama EVER...
And I am going to be in love with Ross for a very long time!
If you haven't read the books, then that's something you might like to do. There are twelve of them. It's the most marvellous reading experience I have ever had.
The books are absolutely brilliant and you must read them. That will take you longer than watching the series. You can pick them up quite cheap on eBay or Amazon. The books also have more characters and the story is slightly different. the books were written over 60 years , from 1943 to Winston Grahams death in 2002. Also if you are intersted in the series, Robin Ellis wrote a book called Making Poldark and David Clarke wrote a book called Poldark Country both of which sometimes come up on eBay or amazon. If you are interested in Cornwall hasve a look at Poldarks Cornwall (by Graham)
I lent the couple of books I had to a "friend" and never got them back! I had no idea that Winston Graham was still writing Poldark books at the time of his death. He was quite unhappy with the first BBC series, but I believe he came round later. Among other things, he didn't like the choice of Angharad Rees as Demelza. Imagine! I can't picture anyone else in the role! Poldark-5, do you live in Australia? (Clue from other thread!) Do you have a Cornish connection? I love Cornwall. I went there on my honeymoon in the 70's and have returned on several occasions.
"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"
I actually can imagine why Winston Graham didn't like Angharad Rees for the part of Demelza.
She was totally wrong for it. She was a red head with light eyes. Demelza's midnight locks and dark eyes were mentioned often in the novels. Angharad Rees also played Demelza as rather cheeky, whereas in the novels she was lacking in confidence, quiet and serious.
Strangely, after my initial shock, I did come to love Angharad's portrayal. I mean it's hard not to. It's such an engaging performance, but the Demelza of the novels, she was not.
It's been such a long time since I read Poldark, that I had forgotten Demelza's looks and personality. If she was meant to be dark-haired and quietly serious, you can understand Winston Graham's alarm at a fiery redhead!
"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"
I can't recall where I read this, but it's been my understanding that Graham's objections were not so much in regards to Demelza's appearance as they were to the way the character was portrayed. There are a number of alterations in Demelza's character and plot from the way Graham portrayed them in the novels. The character Demelza was based on Graham's own wife, so no wonder he objected to the outlandish (even OTT) characterizations of her at the fair when she initially meets Ross, the line about taking off her breeches for a shilling (IIRC, not in the book), and the way the script had her initiating the seduction.
I didn't realise that Demelza was based on Winston Graham's own wife. As you say, that being the case, you can see why he would have objected to the alterations.
I also read that Graham objected to Demelza being pregnant in the series, before Ross married her.
In the novel of course, there was no pregnancy and so Ross didn't feel any obligation to marry her. He simply chose to, which is so much nicer.
Yes, exactly. Ross' reason for marrying in the book is indeed one of Graham's objections, as is the alteration in Demelza's temperament.
That said, I enjoy Angaharad Rhys' portrayal of Demelza. She has a great deal of warmth and personality. I think the hoydenism was added to the character by the writers and directors more so than by the actress, but I'll bet she sure had a great time playing the fiery Demelza of the series.
Yes I live in Australia, but my father was born in England and lived in Cornwall for a while when he was young. I also have an English husband. I do not think Winston Graham disliked Angharad Rees, rather the way the character of Demelza was played - totally different from the book. I also understand that the reason Richard Morant (Dr Enys 1) did not come back for the second series was because he did not like the script of series 1. Winston Graham wrote an autobiography which has a lot of information about the tv series. I have been to Cornwall and love that area, mind you I also love other bits on England.
The 12th Poldark book - Bella - was published in 2002
I have been getting replies from folk on here,and they are not appearing on this list...Anyone know why?? They aren't private replies...I get a message in my E nmail box saying someone has replied on this thread and I click to look at their reply. Then when I go on the thread a bit later,their reply has disappeared.
I tried to bid on 12 VHS videos yesterday and even those go for a lot of money...Made worse by the obvious high postage costs (6.75!!)
So I still searching for the 4 sets of DVDs.When you consider most are free postage it makes them a better deal than the VHS videos...
I have found Asda is the cheapest way of buying them.£8.50 odd each,(Series 2,part 2 being £12 odd) But at least it is free P+P.
If you put Poldark DVD in E Bay,you will see how wildly the prices vary. Some folk are charging £65 for all the sets! Just shows how popular Poldark is cos they always go for quite a bit in the auctions...
I am asking all my friends and also trawling the charity shops for videos and books.
DVD player is on my lappy.I haven't got a DVD player yet,but have been thinking about getting one...I have my trusty VHS,a really good machine for my videos. You really have too keep your eye on the listings on E Bay though,as quite a few are regions that do not match British DVD machines...
And no,I hadn't thought of doing a search on E Bay,I must suss out how to do it,sounds like a good idea.