Your Favourite Jud 'n' Prudie Moments!
I'd like to start, by saying that when Paul Curran, and Mary Wimbush merely started their appearances in their Scenes, that was enough to start my diaphragm a'twitchin' with belly laughs, for I always knew that major monkeyshines and malarkey was soon inevitable!
I always thought that Ross nearly never enough--as Jud deserved--chucked Jud into the dungheap!
My all-time favourite, was when Jud had "returned from the dead". Zacky, Will Nanfan, and others were outside, savagely jeering, catcalling him, silly noises, all in good fun. Jud's responding by yelling like a depraved donkey, tossing things at the window. Then, some doctors come up with the idea of "testing" Jud's consciousness. They overload a pistol with a heavy blank charge, and fire it flush against Jud's ear. Jud screams out like a banshee underwater, whilst the crowd outside erupts in cheers. However, the docs' poker-faced reactions, were most telling. They had thought that they'd just achieved something most scientific! I should believe that this may have been one of the harder Scenes to Shoot, as everyone would have a dickens of a time keeping straight faces, where appropriate.
Well, with Prudie . . . What honestly was going through Sir Hugh's wench-besotten head, at that time he saw Prudie bent over, presenting her very full bum to him?? C'mon, Hugh; you're supposed to be chasing after Demelza, not Prudie! He then gives Prudie a very healthy swat on that bum, if I recall, correctly, and Connie only raises an eyebrow in reaction, if I recall correctly. And Prudie's style of speaking was as goofy as Jud's!
And after Bodmin Assizes, the stagecoach comes up on Jud, while he's swatting away at Garrick. I think Ross then has the Driver stop the stage, to offer Jud a ride. However, Ross won't let Jud inside, as his ever-present stench will knock the other inside riders unconscious. Jud's gotta ride outside, on top!
And Ross' style of speaking with them, was always sober, deadpan--the perfect straight man!