On BBC 2 from the 05/05/2014 at 12:00(UK residents)
It's on BBC 2 from the 05/05/2014 at 12:00. The BBC is showing from Monday to Friday around 12:00 to 14:30(start time varies for each day).
It's on BBC 2 from the 05/05/2014 at 12:00. The BBC is showing from Monday to Friday around 12:00 to 14:30(start time varies for each day).
After the opening double episode on Bank Holiday Monday - most days it is around 2 pm but needs to be seen life as it is not (so Far) available via BBC iPlayer.
Thought it is on You Tube - for the time being - though I am not sure if it is legitimately there - I am glad it is, enabling me to catch up with the scene setting beginning of episode 1.
Talking of scene setting - standards have changed - I make no complaint - but was struck by how apparent it was that studio scenes were performed against either a moving filmed scenery (the carriage ride) or against the artistic representation of the mountains - with which we would have been very happy for a TV programme in 1974 - though standards and technical development allows more trickery these days.
Yeah - technical standards have changed quite a lot. One of the things that you do notice is that the outside location shots are filmed on film(old fashioned 16mm) and all the interior studio stuff is filmed on videotape(it look vastly inferior to the stuff on film). It's the way that UK TV shows were made in those days.