40 Years On
I have just finished watching all 26 episodes which were re-broadcast as part of 50th Anniversary of BBC2's launch. I had previously assiduously watched them for 6 months back in 1974. They have worn very well and look gorgeous on a big screen TV. The sets and costumes are fabulous.
I have also previously read the novels upon which they are based and feel they are a good reflection of them. Some themes were a little repetitious e.g. money/no money; rogues duping the wealthy and the Eustace Diamonds could have been cut altogether.
These are comments on a series of the highest order right up there with Series One of The Killing and all but the last series of The Wire. Characters have space to grow.
Very hard to see the series being re-done today, even in a much abbreviated form.
Watch the series and read the books which I prefer to Barchester Chronicles.